
Tuesday 4 December 2012

3rd December

I cannot believe the rain came back!
All dogs were taken down the muddy 'again' garden, eventually it became light enough to see.
Son's lunch packed, dogs fed. Running out of time Sam was dispatched to remove dog crates from car, whilst I gathered bits and pieces and downed a cuppa. Sam returned to report crate stacking had not been entirely successful, plus there was no way (or time) to stop them getting wet. Already late we jumped into the car and drove up the road to pick up George and head for the school bus. Halfway there Sam announced that he had left his school bag behind. His school bag, containing all his books and his packed lunch!
A quick mental run through of all possible scenarios resulting in the conclusion there was absolutely nothing we could do about it, he would have to carry on without it, no books, no lunch.

Mobile dog kennel.

8.33am arrive at garage. They consider my list of failures, eventually put my car up on the ramp and call me over to point out another. The exhaust has two cracks. New exhaust needed with catalytic converter at catastrophic cost! Desperate to have my car, my security, my mobile dog kennel back I nod concurringly inwardly gulping.
Text Dave about availability of parts, horrific cost and Sam's school bag.
 Kate texts to say she can take Jesse back today.
After many phone calls to source parts the decision is made to do the work on the car tomorrow. I slide thankfully into the drivers seat, smile gratefully and tell them I will see them tomorrow having robbed a bank, they suggest I rob two!

Feeling very odd without any dogs in the car I bring in my ponies, go to the bank, pop into Pets At Home followed by Sainsburys.
Return home, pick up Angel, Rosie and Sam's school bag and drive to Cranleigh. Drop off said bag with 3 minutes to spare before lunchtime.
Jesse with Lara.
Drive home, petrol light comes on.

At home walk Khan and Lexus, who will not let me get away with a short walk so we go the usual length.
Grab some lunch and Jesse and Chloe head back over to ponies to meet Kate.
Jesse is delighted to see her, she reassures me, not only will he have plenty of walks and playtime with Lara and Moose but that he is welcome for Christmas too, Bless You Kate!
 Used to turning dogs around it is hard to admit I can't provide enough for a dog but Jesse is much better off with Kate.
Jesse and Moose.

Give Angel a run, turn ponies out, walk Chloe and Rosie. Chloe on lead and Rosie off which works really well. Rosie has a great run.
Head home, fill up with petrol, bring dogs in, change trousers and top and join in Christmas tree lighting service at church, handing round warm apple punch as if I have done nothing else all day!

Just one more thing to mention.
 When I was at Pets At Home the Manager mentioned, almost in passing, that they had received a cheque for us, from their Charity Week ...  for £581 !!!

And could I come in on Saturday or Sunday so they could present it to me!
You bet I could!

It will be Sunday morning, all welcome!

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