
Wednesday 12 December 2012

11th December

Very cold again tonight as I write this and only two weeks to Christmas, how does it happen?  Every year I think I am more prepared but always end up doing things last minute.
We hope to send out Christmas cards to everyone we have homed a dog to since we began, just to renew contact, plans are under way.

All the dogs seem very sleepy tonight, perhaps it is an instinct kicking in due to the cold weather but they have all had plenty of good runs yesterday and today which must help.

I realise I did not mention Angel the other day. She is well at the moment and generally calmer. Chloe and Rosie are quiet in the car and do not wind her up and I try to avoid taking her with me on days when I know there are 'triggers' for her to get excited and 'spin'. Her tail is a bit pink but not damaged and she has put on weight. I have also done some TTouch with her and she responds well. She has huge muscles in her back legs and is very fit.

On Saturday we took her with us as although it was a busy day of lessons the first lesson this particular fortnight is Charlotte with her Dad Rob Brown. Rob loves Staffies and has been a very generous supporter of the rescue since we started. He has agreed to be our Treasurer  once we become a charity. Whilst Charlotte has her lesson, Rob plays ball with Angel. Having had a really good run she then settles for the rest of the day.

News from Kate about Jesse is that he has settled well and is improving, even walking with their older dogs and showing respect. He and Moose love each other and try to pick up the same stick on walks!

Boiler engineer called today and fitted new fan so we are very warm and toasty on this chilly night.

I will be paying Jane the vet at the end of the week. Thank you to all who have made donations.

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