
Wednesday 28 November 2012

28th November

So much better without rain and though cold that North wind has already started to dry things up.
Bright moonlight as well tonight, I could see clearly right down the garden when I took the dogs out last thing.

Sleepy Chloe tonight.
Chloe was spayed today. She was fine despite anxious foster mums! Apparently she woke up really quickly and she had already had something to eat when I went to collect her. The vet nurses said she is a little toughy.

Chloe has taught Rosie to run. I took Rosie up into the big field today on her own and she ran around behaving like a dog should.

I took Khan and Lexus out together, the first time Lex has had a walk this week due the weather, lack of daylight and time.
He was crazy, like a horse that hasn't been ridden for a few days. He charged about (pulling my back) ridiculous behaviour!
As his hip improved he now has another months supply of anti-inflammatorys and there was no need for further investigation.
The tablets are tiny, he has half of one twice a day which involves breaking them in half and then putting the tiny half back into the foil package. It just so happens  that the remaining half goes in his breakfast. He does his usual barking and lunging as soon as he comes in from the garden whilst I fiddle around trying desperately  to locate tiny half tablet, before all the dogs join in and we wake the whole village!
That Dog!          

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