
Sunday 22 April 2012

21st April

Still trying to negotiate my way around the new blog, took me four goes just to get this far!
Had a great day though, managed to do 12 riding lessons and the rain stayed away until we had finished. We could see it threatening and all around us but it just cleared and moved away. The driest day we have had all week.

Tomorrow or today now, anyway 22nd April is Val's birthday. I am sure you will join with me in wishing Val a Very Happy Birthday!

Now I know you are all aware of our 'No dogs on the bed,' rule. Also that although there should really be no dogs upstairs I do occasionally sneak someone up whilst I work on the computer. Well, Tara is a frequent visitor. She is very good and will lie on the floor but if I lie down and fall asleep she will jump up and join me!

Here we are snapped breaking the rules ...


  1. Rules are ment to be broken. xxx
    Thank you for your birthday wishes. Had extra special cuddles with Daisy, Honey Oscar and Nugget of of whom were on the bed! xxxxxx

  2. Of course, Staffies are entitled to all the comforts. But I can't let this one pass without pointing out the half-empy wine glass on the bed-side tablet. Presumably that was down to Tara too.

  3. Oops! You have discovered Tara's little secret! We have been trying to get her to cut down, but on this occasion she said she was just toasting Val on her birthday!
