
Friday 5 August 2011

5th August

Alison has struck lucky on her holiday with the weather and has even been in the sea swimming! Lexus has been up to his tricks, and Alison has been walking around Aldwick today trying to buy a fish slice!!!!!!  I am sure Alison will share this all when she comes back, it will be quite an interesting read. She does seem to have recharged her batteries and is enjoying the lazy life away from the endless phone calls and feeling of helplessness. I am sure that will not last long once she is back but I do hope so. It can be such a thankless task and hard to carry on when you have perfectly good dogs that stay with you for so long, with no offers of a home.
We are currently looking after my mother-in law at home who is terminally ill having district and Marie Curie nurses in on a daily basis. Not easy when you have four dogs as well but they are being superstars adjusting themselves to the coming and goings. Some nurses are afraid of dogs and then they have to be put into our bedroom or garden untill they have gone. Oscar has become wise to this and will now run half way up the stairs not coming down even for a treat. When we go up to get him he runs down standing halfway ready to go up the stairs again. So now we have asked the nurses to telephone so we can get them away before they come to the door. Those nurses who are OK with dogs cannot believe how good they are.
At most times of the day one of them will lay at the side of the bed just keeping an eye or so it seems.
One visitor who came to see my mother in law sat down on the settee and Oscar made a beeline for her and promptly plonked himself on her lap not bad but he weighs 25kgs and is white. She was dressed in dark designer clothes, saying "that's fine I like dogs", when all the while we knew that she liked things just so and this was not her style. needless to say there was a small twitter of  laughter coming from the kitchen by members of the family knowing that this was not 'fine'. Oscar got down and Honey then decided that the visitors face needed a wash and promptly set about licking it!!!! The downside is that she still visits but not in dark coloured designer clothes.

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