
Friday 10 August 2012

10th August

Well done to Monty demonstrating the supreme intelligence of his breed and giving Gareth a proud moment.

Jesse was a star again today, doing lots of meeting and greeting at Pets At Home on what proved to be a very hot day.
Jesse meets Hector.
Pete meets Hector 2009 (I recall they were the same age.)
Sam and Roxy came too and Sam brought Hector in the morning who she was looking after. It turns out that we met Hector when he was a puppy and we were collecting with Pete in 2009 it was a touch of de ja vu when we introduced him to Jesse.

We took £52.57 which was not bad and buys a bag of food.

Also it was nice as we were just collecting for ourselves (not part of PatH charity week) so people could really choose if they wanted to give to us or not and we gave away lots of leaflets and had some good chats, educating people into the Staffords plight and raising our profile.
Most people were pleasant, interested and generous. Two ladies in a short space of each other each gave me a fiver.
Jesse was a good boy meeting lots of different people and dogs, he was a bit 'nippy,' but we warned people and most did not mind.
I gave him lots of little breaks and he enjoyed stretching out on the grass and watching the boats on the river.
Despite that the day took its toll and we have had a very quiet evening and one pooped pup!


  1. Monty's now U-Bolt. First in most Handsome Dog and then Best in Show at a local animal charity Fun Day. Unbelievably several warnings of "Dogs Die in Hot Cars" had to be broadcast.

  2. Well done Monty, Gold all round!!!!
