
Tuesday 21 August 2012

21st August

We had a poorly pup yesterday.
He was quiet in the morning (I got a lie in) and refused breakfast. At the ponies he was not interested in his walk but kept lying down in the long grass. He then ate grass and vomited. At first I thought it was blood in it, then I thought it was red worms, eventually realising it was red thread from the lead rope he had been chewing!

 He refused his lunch and was very quiet.
In the afternoon I rang the vets. They took it very seriously and made him an appointment for 6pm.
Pup also took it very seriously lying in his bed looking very sorry for himself.
At the vets he was given an injection to suppress his sickness and antibiotic. His tum was squeezed and pronounced sore but no alien body found.
We were told he could eat and drink as normal and he was to come back if the vomiting continued.

As I pulled away from the vets a black car was coming towards me from the T junction. There was a lot of traffic in front of me and parked cars. Suddenly the black car screeched and accelerated then swerved, right then left and then again and again. I really thought he had lost control of the car and was going to hit me, not once but twice! As he straightened up and sped past me a girl outside the Co-op laughed. Oh it had been a joke. Trembling violently I found myself in a queue of cars stacked back from the railway crossing. 'Right,' I thought, found my mobile and rang 999 The police were very good locating my position in seconds and seemed to take it seriously not telling me I was wasting their time, of course I had not had chance to take a registration number and being hopeless with cars could not even identify the make, though I think I have narrowed it down since.  I do hope they get him though by linking it with something else. Shame they didn't ask me his name because I could have told them that!

Once home (in one piece, thankfully) pup remained very quiet and refused to eat but I am pleased to say that this morning he was much brighter and ate some breakfast when I put some of my probiotic yoghurt on top!
I bought some natural flavour especially for him as it seems to have done the trick and  Peach and Mango seemed a little OTT
He has eaten well all day and is back to himself this evening.
Taz homed July 2011

We have been notified by Virbac of a possible problem with the Microchips on five of our dogs.
Of those only Boycie remains with us so I have some follow ups to do on Chance, Batley, Taz and Piglet.

1 comment:

  1. What a full day you have, and we wish Pup well - sounds as if he's eaten something disgusting.
    The swerving car as symptom of our (in parts) sick society.
    Each day we have to cross a very busy road for the start of our country walks. I've found big lorries are best, slowing down and allowing us to cross, whereas the young drivers - both male and female sometimes drive at us - giggling.
