Yesterday I took Angel on our church Rogation walk!
There were two other dogs, Lexi my friends spaniel who Angel has walked with and knows and an Italian Greyhound belonging to a lady who is the secretary of PCC.
We got off to a bad start when I refused to join the group photo at the start, thinking such close proximity to a strange dog would be too much for Angel, the photographer muttered about not listening to the sermon on unity and togetherness and working together. I thought this a slight overreaction,an all out dog fight may not have helped togetherness either.
Angel was pretty good. When we met other dogs they had to stand aside as we were the larger group.
She was fine with Lexi but was a little tense when Mickey the geyhound was off the lead. I don't know if you are familiar with Italian Greyhounds, but they are tiny and so fine, smaller than a Whippet. Lexi, a working Cocker, looked like a carthorse next to him!
Our Vicar, Stephanie, maintained a prayerful, appreciative attitude as we walked, I wondered how much I was "running the gauntlet," by bringing a rescue Stafford with a few "issues" along on the walk!
Suddenly there was a commotion ahead and shouting from Mickey's owner. It turned out he had caught and badly injured, but not killed, a squirrel. His owner apologised over and over. The poor squirrel lay stunned but fully conscious. The churchwarden put it swiftly out of its misery and we continued our walk in a reflective mood.
Soon Sam, Angel and I branched off for home.
I couldn't help feeling relieved that on this occasion Staffordshire Bull Terriers had come away with their reputation intact, another breed had been the one to remind us that "Dogs will be dogs!"