
Friday, 27 May 2011

27th May

Sandy in the river
 This link will take you to a video of Colin Teager doing a sponsored agility run with Neighla which raised £230 for Cleo's appeal.

When I said the other day that my time was mainly spent walking dogs and answering phone calls I was tempted to tell you exactly what I did do all day, a bit like an account of everything you have eaten or drunk!
One of the things that wouldn't have appeared on the list was housework. It's not that I dislike housework it's just low on my priorities and something I rarely get round to. The other day however, I did manage to vacuum the living room and hall and water my plant which is very old and sprouted from a "magic log" given as a gift some thirty years ago. It has recently sprouted two new "baby" plants. I really enjoyed getting round to doing this and took pleasure in seeing it done. Dave was out so I walked all the dogs in turn. Khan and Lexus had been out first they then had to wait whilst the others had their turn.
Sam came home and went into the living room." The dogs have made a mess," he greeted me with, "They have got some peanuts off the shelf, knocked down your wedding photo, there are elastic bands all over the floor and your plant has no leafs." It was just as he said. I couldn't believe it, it had only lasted an hour!

Elastic band dog
 I tidied it up, picking up the elastic bands which were strewn across the floor but my poor plant had taken a bashing! Khan is tall enough to reach but no doubt Lexus had gained some height by climbing on the plant pot!
The next morning when I took them down the garden it was obvious who had eaten the nuts!
The "nut" evidence continued to appear! Then this morning, what was that? I thought Lexus had an horrific worm infestation. On closer examination I saw it elastic band!

I wondered what had put a "spring" in his step.

Now we have to ask, does this make him a "band" breed!

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