
Saturday, 21 May 2011

21st May

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Here is a photo of Paul and Cleo at home.

I feel we had a huge breakthrough with Sandy today. She came with me to the ponies and I gave her a run in the fields, she tore round but in a circle not running off in a straightline as she used to and then she rolled! Not normally something to celebrate but it is the first time I have seen her exhibit normal dog behaviour like that.

Later on I took her into the fields to play ball and she did it! I threw the ball, she ran after it and came back reasonably close to me and I approached, took hold of her collar and said,"Leave It." Which she learnt on her training course, and she gave the ball and off we went again! Not perfect but a start and gives great hope for her to be rehomed one day.

I was not able to give Angel a very long walk today but she continues to settle and did not wake us early this morning.

I was talking to Kerry who has Reah whom she competes at Agility. Kerry said Reah will ignore all other dogs at shows when she is surrounded by lots of dogs but will still lunge and growl if they meet one dog walking down the road at home.
This gives me hope for Angel.

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