On walks he carries his leg some of the time, or walks or canters powering off his good leg. I was going to write this yesterday and say that he could no longer manage his jaunty trot but today he even managed a few steps of that, as well as standing on his left leg and cocking his right, which he certainly couldn't do last week.
So the anti-inflammatorys are working, he is almost half way through the course. We may still x ray to see what is going on, I will discuss it with Jane.
His naughtiness however remains unabated, if not worse, he has traumatised Rose because she left 'food' in her crate and he barks throughout his meal preparations (now quite lengthy due to getting tiny pill out of packet then hiding it in his food) whatever we do to stop him has no effect whatsoever!
Rose came on Sunday. She is just over six months old and quite a big girl. She was living in a third floor flat with just a balcony for toileting, having said that she is perfectly house trained. They couldn't keep her because owning a dog was in breach of their tenancy agreement. Val went round to assess her and said she needed some input which is proving about right.
As well as finding out about Rose's little ways it is yet another adjustment. At first we put her in Chance's old crate under the kitchen table but it proved to be too exposed so now we have put her in the hall next to Angel. The crate however was not very strong so this evening we swapped them around, resulting in some radical cleaning taking place! During said cleaning I became aware of odd noise in the kitchen, it turns out we have a leak from the valve into the boiler in the cupboard which is dripping through the kitchen ceiling.
First available appointment 28th November!
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Rose. |
Getting back to Rose,or any other new dog, it is always an exacting time. Is the dog behaving like this because it is stressed by the new environment, or is there a serious behavioural problem. As they begin to settle and respond, is it your magic touch or had they really been well trained in their former home?
And working out who gets on with who and who you can double up for a walk and which walk is best etc
It all takes a while and, depending on the dog, sometimes more dogs are easier than one tricky one.
I have been a bit tired, hence the lack of blogs this week.
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