
Saturday, 8 January 2011

7th January

What a horrible day! Wet, cold dark! Oh no that was yesterday! It seemed, here we go again but then at lunchtime it stopped raining, the sun came out and more importantly it had warmed up by about ten degrees!
Grasped the opportunity and took Spryte and Sandi for a much needed run bumping into a friend on the way, so both dogs had a really good run and Sandi was very well behaved.

The rain did come back again but at least the temperature held.
One or two enquiries coming in along with the "need to be rehomed "calls. Followed them all up, one family have decided to get a new house instead of a new dog which was a bit of a surprise but nice to hear of someone doing well in these hard times.
Spoke with John Laker chairman of SBT Welfare, it is always encouraging to talk to John.
He is about to take in a young bitch who has spent all her life in a cellar.He is already planning her recovery.
At the same time he is facing losing one of his old dogs who has an enlarged heart, she is sixteen and her companion Henry is eighteen, apparently he is fine physically but suffering from "old dog disease" and is lost in his own world.
Also spoke with a lovely man who had recently taken on a very nervous little Staff, having had two rescues before. A member of Welfare he declared he loved the breed and talked extensively about the virtues of all his dogs.
Overall, quite a cheery day for the beginning of January.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alison & all at rescue,

    I love reading your blogs , seeing the pooches over the last 12 days you have written about really makes your job all worthwhile and seeing them in such happy homes ...

    Today 8th Jan is Harrys GOTCHA day , 2 years ago Jim travelled up to Alisons and we picked up our gorgeous boy Harry .. Having had 2 rescues from Alison ( Harry n Trix ) i would like to thank alison and her rescue SOOOO much for allowing Jim and I to have them both , we love them both to bits .. I will always be thankful to Alison xxxx

    Happy GOTCHA day Harry xxxxx
