
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

12th January

Some of my ponies got out of their field again last night, waking everyone at 4.45 am eating pig nuts from the metal bin in the barn. This resulted in me shelving whatever plans I had and patrolling the whole of the fence in the top field.
Hammer in hand, staples in pocket accompanied by Jade and Dolly I strode around patching up here and there.
The field is huge and curves round up the valley, bordered on both sides by woods and on one by a bridleway( so you cannot completely relax re other dogs) but all was quiet, it was warm and both dogs were running free and I realised I was enjoying myself and the dogs were having a great time too.

As we returned to the farm two men were walking around outside the house, one with a clipboard, I almost put Dolly back on the lead but they walked back towards the back door so I thought it was ok but too late Dolly had seen them and made a bee line to say "Hello" despite my calls. It was obvious they were not dog lovers but this was lost on Dolly as she skipped around their feet......then......too late! Yes she jumped up depositing mud all over one man's jeans. He was obviously furious and pushed her down and back in my direction but he also managed a sly smack before she bounded back to me. Seeing this I decided not to apologise! It turns out they were architects! At least they were not from the council!

Later on we had another visitor, a large male labrador who strays when his owners are abroard. He was a regular when the farm Spaniels were un spayed. I remarked to someone he never got bitten or attacked by another dog.
He appeared again when Sapphire was having her run so instead of putting her on a lead I left her. She dropped her ball and charged up to him........nothing! He drooled, delightful! Then they just parted, who knows what was said, what a shame you couldn't get that reaction every time!

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