Sadly Alison is not feeling well this evening and has taken herself off to bed. Alison like me is a person who soldiers on not allowing oneself to succumb to being ill. So unfortunately for all of those who read the Blog I apologies if it is not up to Alison’s standards. I for one enjoy Alison’s blog and look forward to reading it, often having a chuckle relating to her stories and events of the day. Get well soon.
I love the weekends and today was especially nice with the sun shining no cold northerly winds biting through you. Although it does have its downside for dog walking, people who do not normally walk their dogs come out to take advantage of the sunshine. Those of us who walk our dogs regularly on the common call them fair weather walkers and extra care has to be taken. With dogs appearing from nowhere and the owner not in sight, then the owner will appear a few moments behind oblivious to what their dog is doing. Usually with a mobile phone glued to their ear or they are intensely involved in a conversation with their companion and the dog is running riot making the most of its freedom. On days like this our normal hour walk will take in excess of one and a half hours to ensure our dogs have their run otherwise they are all like coiled springs with the exception of Doris who will not give her ball up in demonstration.
It is always exciting to hear from anyone who has re homed one of our dogs. We love to hear how they are getting it is always so encouraging.
Gucci was one such dog. She was homed to an elderly gentleman and came back into rescue when the gentleman sadly had a fall and was hospitalised, it was decided that it would be better for him to move into a care home. Gucci was placed in kennels and waited until Alan came along and fell in love with her. Her first outing was on a boat going past the kennels where she had stayed but was now free and loved. Gucci is now called Bella and loved by all. Thank you Alan for giving Bella a second chance. She looks wonderful.
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