Deb Fox who adopted Reuben ( now Harley) sent this photo of Harley with her baby son. Harley was wonderful with Deb's grandson, now he has another baby to protect. (Nanny Dog.)

Plus continuing to promote the breed as the 'Nanny dog,' and ask people to 'Walk their Stafford with pride,' on our forthcoming walk.
Well if 'Pride comes before a fall,' I have already had mine.
Whilst in Sainsbury's car park the other day I heard a commotion of 'yapping.' Then a lady walked past with a tiny Yorkshire Terrier on a lead, possibly a puppy. Spotting all the crates in my car she looked at me sheepishly, then suddenly the yapping started again, I looked up to see she was passing a young man coming the other way, the little dog was barking furiously at him, he raised his hand in greeting and carried on.
On Sunday I had my walk with Lex and Tara Scuppered by a couple and their Sunday guests walking a Springer. They were in front of me crossing the river meadow where recently they have re-erected signs asking us to keep dogs on leads and to stick to the footpath ( I will keep my views on this for another day, but we do try and abide by it.) As I watched, the Springer ran down to the river and into a spinney, back to the path crossing it and into the horses field, back again and into the garden of the cottage belonging to my artist friend Juliet.
Not once did the owners correct or call it, just carrying on their conversation with their friends.
NOW replace the Yorkie barking madly at everyone it passed with a Stafford. It would be reported as a Dangerous Dog.
Replace the Springer dashing over private land, into a field with horses, into someones garden, with no word from the owner, with a Stafford, you would be behaving irresponsibly.
Because these dogs are' OK' their behaviour is considered non threatening even cute.
I am fed up of always being accused as the aggressor and even more fed up of always being the one to pay!
You are so right Alison.