Details to follow nearer the time.
I recently received the following email from Jacqui on the Isle of Wight who adopted Cassie (formerly Bessie) from us some years ago. Cassie had been extremely abused, hence the problem with trying to take a photo, she just crouches down. A couple knocked on the door of the pound kennels in the early hours of the morning saying they had found her wandering. Later we found out they were her owners and also that they had kicked her and abused her.
I managed to get the kennels to let me take her in, getting that fierce passion I sometimes feel over a dog to protect her whatever the cost.
I remember there was an odd email came in about her, I suspected someone recognised her, so I insisted she be removed from the website!
It was pitiful to see her reaction to some things, but she was ball obsessed so just wandered round with her ball in her mouth, placing it at peoples feet to invite them to play. She was a very easy foster dog. I see she has filled out now but back then she was all head with a thin body, she reminded me of a bear so I used to call her,'Bessie Boo Boo,' from Yogi Bear. She is the only dog (apart from Lexus) I have been tempted to keep.
Jacqui rang on Christmas Eve and adopted her over the Christmas break as it was one of the few chances she had to be on the mainland! It must have been Dec 07.
I was sorry to hear of her injury but latest reports are that she is recovering well.
Hi Alison
hope your keeping well- i keep up to date by reading the blog most weeks.
Just to let you know cassie had an accident and injured her hind leg just before christmas, did a flying turn after a ball and twisted it in a rabbit hole- tore the cruciate ligament.
We have been on lead walks and painkillers/anti- inflammatories ever since to try and let it mend, but it hasnt so she is having surgery tomorrow(thursday) to correct/mend it. Then a further possible 8 weeks of lead walks!!! Shes so lively & well in herself apart from the leg it is almost impossible to stop her jumping/playing about, but we have to persevere.
Have enclosed a couple of photos of our hols in Dorset last year (lulworth cove & holiday cottage garden)- its still really difficult to take a photo of her as she immediately slumps down when a camera appears.
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