
Sunday, 12 February 2012

12th February

STOP PRESS 13th February :-

Val and Stuart's old dog, Doris, who they took on as an oldie, (approx 15 years) 19 months ago was taken very poorly yesterday evening. They saw the emergency vet and took her home for the night, where she was comfortable but weak, they are on the way to their own vets with her now.

 I am sure you will all join with me in sending love and kind thoughts to them.

 We will keep you posted.

Val and Stuart's own vet confirmed the diagnosis of a probable tumour.
They took Doris home so that she could be in familiar surroundings as Val did not want her pts at the vets as she had been a stray in kennels. The vets came to them and just after midday I received a text from Val saying, 'Doris is at peace.'

 Here is the article from The Times which everyone felt was positive coverage, I will let you judge for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. It's that most terrible time in that special relationship between dog and carer. We all send our best wishes
