
Friday, 18 February 2011

18th February

First thing this morning I managed to watch CD's sent me by Kerry of Reah who was one of our puppies (in 2009 we took in a litter of 6 week old pups) Kerry competes at agility with her other female Stafford and the CD's were of Reah's first runs and her first competition. She is awesome and so well trained for her age.

I also managed a letter to Petlog to transfer some microchips into our name. This is something I have a complete mental block with and keeps getting put off. I think I am clear now about what to do, shame it involves writing ans can't be done over the phone or online.

Then I went to Dorking to meet Dave, a very handsome blue dog who is coming on to our website.

On my return Steven had arrived to start what was meant to be the main job of the day, digging a trench for my dog poo project. We get a lot of dog mess and knowing how to dispose of it is a problem.
I have used the dog loo which is like a plastic bucket with no bottom, you dig a hole put in some large stones and then flush it down with water and a natural bio chemical. These work well but we just filled them straightaway. So this idea is based on them but on a far larger scale.
Steven has dug a grave like trench, if my husband disappears you know where to look! then I intend to put in large stones to a depth of 6 ins then in goes the poo and gets flushed with buckets of water and the bio chem.
I will let you know if it works!
The digging of the trench was not all straightforward as Steven needs keeping an eye on else he goes "Off piste" and undertakes his own ideas.
Part way through the digging we walked Khan, Spryte and Sandy spoilt by the fact I had a nosebleed for the entire walk.

Two phone messages one from a lady with two four month old brothers whom she had got from her sister-in -law  who had a litter of ten pups in a council flat! Now this lady could not cope as they were chewing, she could not give them what they needed so she was putting them first by re-homing them! She told me they were crosses as the dad was short-legged and the mother long.
The other message from a lady who had adopted a dog from E. Anglia Rescue but was in this area and wanted me to ring her back on her mobile to give advice about kennelling!

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