
Thursday, 10 February 2011

10th February

It fell to me today to walk all the dogs and unfortunately it coincided with the rain which spoilt things a bit, but we have not had any for a while so I feel we shouldn't complain too much and I find it preferable to the wind.
There are signs of Spring and it is almost Valentine's day. I remember the weather man John Kettley quoting this little rhyme, Todays the day the birds choose their mate,
                         And if I choose you I'll not be too late!

The birds have been getting very excited lately and I thought it was too early but Nature does not get it wrong, the seasons just seem to fly past, It must be my age.

What of the dogs?
Sandy and Spryte had their run in the Kale field. Sandy loves to run, going some distance away but she comes back and comes to me for a pat. She is also getting used to the point when I put her back on the lead and comes over readily, showing she will respond well to a routine.
I am very impressed with Sapphire lately. One of the farm Spaniels came down to the yard whilst Saff was playing ith her ball and she just went up to her and sniffed and then back to her ball! She has also ignored them when she has been playing in the field and also ignored another dog going past on the bridleway.
This shows she can be fine with familiar dogs, not in her pack. She is such a good girl in the house, no trouble at all, I do so wish she could find a home, a dog of her age should not spend so long in rescue.
If anyone reading this could help or knows anyone who could help............

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