
Wednesday, 15 December 2010

15th December

   It was a Bichon Frise! Ten marks to anyone who got it from my description yesterday, I never remembered, had to ask the family!
Awoke to a dusting of snow and frost, which looked very pretty and did not cause any problems,but soon there was grey cloud,giving way to the grimmest of afternoons and rain! The grimness seemed to seep right inside of you until my mood matched the weather.
An email request to take in a dog played on my mind. We have no spaces so cannot help even if the dog was suitable.
Sandy has been playing up a bit. I suppose as she gains confidence and learns to express herself it is bound to happen. She has played with the football in the garden in the mornings insread of attending to her "business". There is just not time for this first thing in the morning. It is easily remedied, I just need to make sure the ball is not left in the garden and she only has it when there is time to play.Easy but still not done!

Also we met Lexus returning from his walk, I am not sure what he whispered in her ear but she was the one who started up. So we now know she can retaliate when provoked.

Now for something very interesting which I do not pretend to understand.
I walked Jade and Riley up the bridleway this morning and Riley began to hesitate as we got close to the cows so I put him on the lead to prevent him bolting for home as before. When we passed the cows I saw that only two remained. I had heard the farmer was not keeping them. Sure enough when we reached the gate on the other side we could see the tracks of the cattle lorry, however,all was quiet now with just the two remaining cows eating hay by the shed. Somehow, Riley knew that something had gone on. If you remember the time he bolted before the calves had been taken away and I thought it was the reaction of the mums that frightened him, but it was the gateway he reacted to on both occasions which is half a field away from the shed where the cows stand. How did he know? And why did it upset him? Jade wasn't bothered in the least.
If anyone can explain his reaction I would be interested in hearing from you, he is obviously a sensitive chap, and it does appear that his senses and instincts are telling him clearly of an event that happened in the past.

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