
Monday, 20 December 2010

20th December

Sorry to have missed a couple of days, have been sorting a few chistmassy bits and generally trying to survive!
I feel Sandy is due another mention. I have been walking her with Sprite and they are beginning to interact a little. She loves to run and she is fast! I walked them at the ponies tonight along the bridlepath when it was nearly dark, and she loved it, bounding through the snow and has now got the hang of coming back again but not always applying her brakes in time!
She is quite an obsessive temperament and we are having a bit of trouble when she is out in the kitchen in the evenings as she just looks for her toy, even leaving her food to do so. I no longer want her having the toy as it upsets Sapphire and Sandy is getting more exercise outside now so doesn't really need to play indoors. She still doesn't realise that if she leaves her food someone else will soon come and eat it! All a little frustrating but we will work on it.

Snow falling heavily again as I write this.

Twas the run up to Christmas
And the Staff rescue phone
Kept ringing and ringing
Always the same moan....

Can you take my Staffy?
I just need a break
With the kids it's too much,
Much more I can't take.

Can you rehome my Staffy?
He's such a lovely boy
But he needs more attention
Than I can employ.

Can you take my Staffy?
I'm moving away
I'll be in another country
Come Christmas day.

Please can you help?
I've just lost my home
It's out on the streets now
My dog and I must roam.

And the dog wardens call
Three staffies have been found
Do you have any space at all or..
They'll all be put down.

We've just had a baby
Now the dog has to go
Cos you can't trust a dog
With a baby you know!

We would help if we could
It makes us despair
If only we could take
Them all into our care.

But the answer's the same
Their hopes all look slim
Cos this Christmas there's
Really no room at the inn!

To be continued......

1 comment:

  1. Hah! That's actually kinda good...
    Also, you spelt Spryte wrong. Again.
    :D xxx
