2 Days to go until our Stafford Walk! Our advert will be in Surrey Advertiser 'Whats On,' magazine again tomorrow. Nothing left to do except pray it doesn't rain! Knowing what Staffords are like in the rain they will be going nowhere!
Saffy in the new exercise area |
Have spent another frustrating day running out of daylight. I ended up turning ponies out in the dark and Sapphire Jade and Angel having their evening run in the dark! Though cannot complain about the weather, another pleasant, surprisingly warm day.
The oak tree showing the Ivy and lower branch removal |
The tree surgeons were back in my neighbours garden finishing off the clearing. I am still thrilled with my new exercise area which we are continuing to clear. I bring you some exclusive pictures. This area is about 1/4 of my garden and was very dark from the overgrowth of next doors trees but now has been opened up, making a lovely area for the dogs to play in. I wish I had some 'before' pictures but I do not.
Looking down the garden |
(Danger reality check)...
I am sure you will be pleased to hear that the dog poo pit is still working with hardly any smell. I add the bio chemical about once a week and also sluice with water. It is a far more eco friendly way of disposing of the waste than using bags.
I can't believe how much bigger the garden looks - bet the dogs absolutely love it!! S