
Saturday, 26 November 2011

26th November

Don't forget!

Living with wolves dog training and behaviour clinic Tomorrow Sunday 27th November 10am/3pm Pets at Home Godalming.

Best laid plans......I had a call from the kennels this afternoon to say Tara had 'removed' a panel from her kennel and appeared in reception!
As they could not ensure keeping her in could I go and collect her asap.
They were happy to take Sandy in her place, so once I had finished my lessons I drove over to pick her up.
I thought I had done well arriving at 5.20pm but as I turned in the drive I remembered they close at 5pm Oops done it again!
Sandy was happy enough to go in. Tara was waiting with Tina sitting on her lap!

She is a sweet little girl but has become increasingly upset when she hears or sees someone around and cannot get to them. This has become worse since she changed kennel as they are working on her old kennel block and now any changes upset her.
This is separation anxiety and something I fear and dread, as, if severe it is impossible to home the dog and  I have known some so bad, impossible to keep them anywhere until a home can be found.

I drove Tara back beneath Guildford's Christmas lights wondering if we were going to be able to help her.
She came happily enough into the kitchen and ate some food. She had a growl at Chance who was being silly, every time a new dog comes in it changes the dynamics and others can get upset.
Whilst I chatted to Val, on the phone, mother and baby doing well by the way, Tara curled up on a rucksack on the kitchen floor and fell into  what looked like the deepest sleep she had had since before going into kennels!
So far so good but with so many dogs she has to sleep in a crate. I offered her a treat and in she went though obviously not as happy.That was two hours ago, she seems to have settled, lets hope for her sake she will.

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