
Monday, 3 October 2011

3rd October

I received this lovely update on Kim from Peter & Mary Thornton the other day.

Hi Alison,
Just thought I would let you know how Kim is getting on.
It's now three years since you found her for us, and I am pleased to say she has turned out a really fine, loyal dog. I am sure you remember the night we all went to the donor's flat and collected her -  what a nightmare she was! I have to admit in the early days I did wonder if we had taken on a bit too much, but after lots of patient, firm handling it just shows what can be achieved. Lots of exercise and good food have changed the rather weak dog you saw into a strong, energetic animal with a coat that is admired by all. She now walks to heel in the fields on and off lead as required, and her recall, sit, stay, & paw are almost 100% reliable. She no longer tries to attack horses & sheep, and is OK with neighbours' dogs she knows, but I have to keep her on the lead when strange dogs are around. Regrettably she is still very aggressive with cats, rabbits, & foxes - I dont think I will ever change that!
Hope things are going well for you, keep up the good work
Kind regards
Peter & Mary

I do remember how wild she was and how calm they seemed. Also the way they agreed to take her there and then out of what was the most dreadful situation but how kind Mary was to the poor chap handing her in who had a number of issues himself and was not coping. It was one of the most moving evenings of my life, so rare and unexpected to witness such compassion and kindness as well as re-homing a dog, just like that!
Thank you Peter and Mary for ensuring another Stafford has a happy ending ( and not without a lot of hard work and patience.)
Homes like that are few and far between (especially recently.)

It is good to be reminded of successes as despite having the blessing of Scottish rescue, I have not heard from the lady in Orkney who was interested in Sapphire.
I am crushed with disappointment.
Knowing I can share this with all of you, and that you too will be as disappointed as I am is the only comfort.
Poor Sapphire.

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