
Wednesday, 26 October 2011

26th October evening

 Just shows I should have more faith. I despaired yesterday when I spent most of my otherwise free day walking dogs but considering the weather today it was time well spent. My only commitment today was cancelled so I was able to catch up on things (in the dry) after all.

Second Chance Rescue in Southampton have agreed to look at a 10 year old bitch in Portsmouth for us and probably take her in. I have received two calls for her. She is supposed to have snapped at a toddler and the Landlord says they are not allowed to keep her anyway.
With no-one taking Staffords anymore I really feared for her welfare. Second Chance will keep her for a few days and then she will have to come into kennels.

 I have heard from SBT Welfare today that they are not going to fund a free neutering programme as they feel it will be abused and the dogs participating not full Staffords but crosses. This is a big disappointment especially as I have spoken to some vets  who are willing to do it at cost price. We cannot go ahead now until we get funding from somewhere else.

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