
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

23rd November:

Sandy has been spayed which was routine and went well. She is quiet and sleepy tonight and refused food but is comfortable in her bed next to the radiator. We also have her medical history which Tara managed to track down from the vets. It makes interesting reading and shows her owners were struggling to cope quite early on but she was up to date with her vaccinations and had seen the vet regularly. Most importantly it gives us an age for her. She was born in May 07 making her 3 and a half.

A few comments about neutering, or at least care after the op. We are very lucky in that our vet is, in my opinion, a genius at neutering ops! She is to operations what Nigella is to cooking! There appears to be a little magic involved! She does these very clever internal stitches so that the biggest problem we have is keeping the dog quiet! We also like to keep them active. Sandy has already been a short walk on the lead, allowing her to do her "business". Tomorrow she will go out for 15 to 20 mins, on the lead, at a nice steady pace. This I believe keeps everything moving and aids healing, far better than molly coddling and keeping the dog in.

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