Ali owns Squirt they work as wonderful ambassadors for Staffords and are very supportive of rescue.
Ali has vast experience and has helped and advised me with Jesse pup.
Ali and Val with Squirt. |
Sunday Morning.
A rare chance for a lie in.
The' goat noises' that have been my early morning alarm all week have not yet started so I drag my tired body out of bed to get started on the day.
Little Chloe has been very good and quiet on both nights we have had her.
Even so the golden rule is to get the youngest out first.
So out she comes, squirming and wriggling with excitement, and we have a successful wee down the garden, as nothing else seems forthcoming I pop her back in and take Jesse out.
He is a good boy but was obviously pretty desperate for that wee! He does all he needs to pretty quickly because he is so excited about Chloe and wants to get back in to say 'Hello.'
Youngest out first but fed last. So next our three go down the garden, come in and are fed, followed by the pups.
I give Chloe some yogurt with her kibble to get her eating, it works!
I take Chloe back down the garden and not too long a wait and we get a poo.
So far so good.
Then I try popping Chloe's antibiotic capsule into the back of her throat. 'The speed of the hand deceives the teeth,' I seem to remember our old vet saying when I was a child.
On this occasion it doesn't work as clouds of antibiotic powder keep puffing out of her mouth! I panic and try to find something yummy to feed her so she swallows some of it instead of it covering the kitchen counter and Dave's morning cuppa!
I grab a little puppy treat (the only one left in the box) but she anticipates and squirms and it pings into the nether nether under the pile of shoes. More powder puffs from her mouth as I desperately grab an unopened bag and try to find scissors to open the packet which seems to have been sealed to withstand a nuclear blast, almost impossible to hold a wriggling pup and manoeuvre scissors, Chloe sticks her nose in the way as she can smell the contents of the bag, more powder escapes!
Eventually success, any remaining powder is swallowed and she is returned to her bed.
I take Dave his tea.
Now it's Boycie's turn, it has started raining, Boycie is unimpressed as we head down the garden I pick up the spade with Jesse and Chloe's poo on it to put in the bucket.
Boycie cocks his leg then charges after me, in an effort to keep out of the mud he collides with my leg, the poo flies up in the air and a piece lands on his back right between his shoulder blades! You can see him thinking 'What the heck is that?' I let out a groan of despair, he does something between a wriggle and a shake and the poo rolls onto the ground and he hightails it back up the garden without completing his toilet. I try to call him back but he is a sensitive chap and what with the rain and Mum chucking things at him and then telling him off it is all too much.
Dave comes down having ingested more antibiotic than Chloe, and takes Khan his walk (Khan is OCD and needs his walk even if he has been down the garden.)
Angel and Saffy visit the garden and eat their breakfast without incident.
So some things worked, others not quite so well.
Happy Sunday.
Oh dear! well at least Dave should be fit and healthy after ingesting some antibiotics!!! Poor Boycie I bet he thought something from outer space had landed on him.