
Thursday, 23 June 2011

23rd June

CONGRATULATIONS to Gareth and Brenda Parry on the safe arrival of their Grandaughter Erin!

Also we are now sorted with all dogs having places for when we are on holiday.
Spangleberry kennels are making room to take Sandy, we did at one time board our dogs there and although they couldn't help with three and despite being full they have made space for Sandy.
David and Pat Bennet, who had Jess from us, also offered to help, even offering to house sit! After some thought we have asked them to take Angel instead of Val. Although Val was willing to take her it is easier for her not to and we thought Angel would be better in a country environment with only one other dog to adjust to.
A very BIG thank you to all who offered help.

Now some very cheery news!

To Kerry and Reah on Reah's first agility win.

Reah is one of a litter of pups we homed two years ago and she joined Kerry and her two other Staffies, Neighla and Harvey. Kerry competes at Agility most weekends.
Despite a good start Reah had recently lost confidence and on the advice of Jo-Ann Essex a member of East Anglian SBT club and Rescue, she was only taking Reah over part of the course then retiring her after giving her plenty of praise. She had done this a couple of times and was ready to do it for as long as it took, even a whole season, and this is what she was doing as she started this course, having got part way round, Reah was going so well she carried on,only to learn later that they had won!!
This was at RVA Peterborough and means Reah goes up to Grade 4
What a fantastic result!

Well Done Kerry and Reah! All at GDSBTR are very proud of you.

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