
Friday 18 March 2011

18th March

Cleo Operation Appeal    Target  £500         Amount Raised so far  £205 

Thank you to Sally Clark for donating £40

It is red nose day and the fund raising is in full force as I write this. However passionate I am about the dogs I would never put animals above human need. I am however, trying to pick up some of their ideas to encourage people to donate.
Guildford SBT Rescue relies on money from people like yourselves, it has no other funding.
Stafford Welfare support us but all their money also comes from donations.
We neuter all our dogs before re-homing. With discount this costs £140 for a spay. £115 for a castrate
Most of our dogs need vaccinating which is £40 with discount.
If we microchip it is a further £20
You don't have to be great at maths to realise that by asking for a donation of £150 to adopt a dog we are already running at a loss without taking into account the cost of food and care whilst it is with us.
Apart from donations when someone adopts a dog we have to raise the rest of the money ourselves by collecting or running stalls.
I hope this helps to explain things.

Gareth's comment on yesterdays blog asked me to explain something else......what I meant by Sandy's  Mrs Silly Knickers bit. Anna, at training, gave her the title. What she does when we meet someone on a walk is go into convulsions, try and jump up to say hello and squirm around their feet! She has been known to tangle people in leads in seconds. If there is a dog as well she does a similar thing to the dog. No aggression but lots of wriggling and squirming that is what I mean by her Mrs Silly Knickers bit.

Cleo is being a very good girl and recovering well. She is having her stitches out on Monday morning at Anderson Abercromby Referrals.

I picked Batley up this evening to take him for his 2nd vacc It is great to see him so happy and settled,he gets on really well with Boris and Meg and everyone thinks the world of him.
We wish all the best to Paul, Sue and the girls and hope they have many happy years with him.

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